4 Ways to Stay Healthy Outside in the Spring
Ahhhh, the sweet smell of spring! There is nothing like stepping outside and breathing in the fresh air. The warm sunshine has a way of putting a smile on your face. And then you get hit with the sneezing, itching eyes, and runny nose – what gives!
As much as you want to take advantage of the warm weather months, seasonal allergies, dirt, and debris often have another plan in store. So how can you stay healthy? Luckily, there are a good number of healthy habits to start to stay in good health so you can get out and enjoy the great outdoors.
4 Ways to Stay Healthy
Your health does not need a spring cleaning – just some home maintenance. Follow these steps to stay healthy in the spring.
1. Stay indoors during peak hours and keep windows closed
By midday (morning through early afternoon) the air outside becomes thick and full of dirt, debris, and other toxins that could interfere with clear breathing and trigger your seasonal allergies. For that reason, it is best to stay indoors during those times in order to stay healthy. If you must do outdoor activities, aim to do so in the early morning or evening hours when the air is clearer.
In the same sense, keeping your windows closed may help keep the toxins out. Though opening the windows when the weather is beautiful seems like a good idea, it is not if you want to stay healthy.
2. Use a saline nasal solution
The saline solution found in nasal rinses are simply a saltwater mixture. Nasal saline sprays and rinses may help rinse away pollen and other dirt and debris that enter the nasal passages and trigger your seasonal allergies.2 Plus, they may help support clear breathing by moisturizing nasal cavity and removing encrusted material.
A few drops of saline solution before bed may keep you in good health and help you enjoy the outdoors.
3. Keep it Clean
The human body is equipped to handle exposures to toxins. That having been said, environmental toxins in everyday life tend to be the rule rather than the exception. Air and water pollution, pesticides, heavy metals, and even overly processed foods can be risks. In current times, it is important to support the body’s natural detoxification systems and to take mindful steps toward prevention in order to stay healthy. So, how to detox your body?
Dietary supplements may be helpful to support the body’s natural detox systems and stay healthy. The products in this kit work together to support cleansing and help to maintain healthy detoxification.
Burbur-Pinella is a blend of Desmodium molliculum leaf extract and Pimpinella anisum stem extract. Desmodium molliculum is a Peruvian herb that has traditionally been used for liver support Pimpinella anisum has long been used in traditional herbalism for digestive tract support. Together in a liquid supplement form, these support the health of two of the body’s main detoxification systems.
Sparga is an extract from asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) stems and leaves. This is the same asparagus that is eaten as a vegetable, and it is rich in many different vitamins and minerals required to stay healthy. In traditional use, asparagus has been used to increase urine production and may help to support urinary health.
Parsley is far more than your typical herb. Easy to add to your diet and far more than your typical herb, experience the potential detox and cleansing properties of Parsley! As a highly bioavailable liquid, this product can be easily incorporated into any daily routine and supports eye and heart health, as well as offers microbial support. Ideal to keep up with your healthy habits!
4. Change Clothes or Shower After Spending Time Outdoors
While spending time outdoors is good for the body and soul, your clothes and hair may end up holding onto dirt and debris. The last thing you want to do is relax on the couch or climb in bed covered in whatever you picked up from outside. Taking a shower, washing your hands, or even changing your clothes when you come indoors is a straightforward way to stay healthy and feel good too.
The great outdoors has a lot to offer – and some things you don’t want to bring home with you. Taking steps to stay healthy in the warm weather months by ramping up your hygiene routine and using dietary supplements is a great way to support the body’s natural detoxifying systems. With a little preparation you can make the most of this gorgeous spring weather and stay healthy too.
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Allergens and Pollen
- Head K, Snidvongs K, Glew S, et al. Saline irrigation for allergic rhinitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2018;6(6):CD012597. Published 2018 Jun 22. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD012597.pub2