Serving Warm Food and Warmer Smiles to the People of Venezuela and Columbia
At NutraMedix, we believe in radical generosity. We consider ourselves a giving engine, powered by you. Each year, NutraMedix donates a minimum of 50% of our profits to critically important causes across the globe. Whether it’s feeding the hungry or helping build schools for the less fortunate, we are dedicated to giving back to those in need around the world.
Your NutraMedix purchase supports this initiative. For every bottle of supplements sold, NutraMedix has made a direct pledge of one meal.
Our goal is to surpass
$100 million
in giving by 2030, and it starts with giving initiatives such as this one.
Serving Warm Food and Warmer Smiles to the People of Venezuela and Columbia
About Samaritan’s Purse
Since 1970, Samaritan’s Purse has helped meet the needs of people who are victims of war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine with the purpose of sharing God’s love through His son, Jesus Christ. The organization serves the Church worldwide to promote the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and help those suffering with as much aid as they can possibly provide.
For over 50 years, Samaritan’s Purse has done everything within its power to aid the world’s poor, sick, and suffering in the name of the Lord.
Samaritan’s Purse is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world. It was named after the story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37), which demonstrates the importance of helping those in desperate need.

Since 2015, over five million Venezuelans have fled their own country, and nearly two million have entered Columbia. Driven by desperate need, hunger, and lack of security, migrants often travel by bus to the border of Columbia to the city of Cucuta, where they must make a dangerous crossing to the other side.
The journey does not end once across the border. The migrants are not only vulnerable, but they need food, shelter, love, and protection.
Expanding the Hot Meals and Feeding Project
After the COVID-19 pandemic began, the work to provide relief became even more urgent. Samaritan's Purse Columbian field office began to develop and expand several of their projects to meet the needs of Venezuelan migrants who continued to cross the border in search of relief.
Samaritan’s Purse increased personnel and operations for the Hot Meals and Feeding Project in Columbia to meet this growing need. In 2020, they expanded to provide migrants with hot meals at both of the shelters Samaritan’s Purse had in place in the region. They also worked tirelessly to build teams that identified the greatest areas of need throughout the region to distribute food baskets to hungry families, churches, and schools.
The food baskets that were provided to people in need contained:
- 2 kilograms of rice
- 2.5 kilograms of beans
- 3 kilograms each of white cornmeal, all-purpose flour, and powdered milk
- 1 bottle of cooking oil
- 1 small bag of sugar
- 1 small bag of salt
Since 2015, over five million Venezuelans have fled their own country, and nearly two million have entered Columbia. Driven by desperate need, hunger, and lack of security, migrants often travel by bus to the border of Columbia to the city of Cucuta, where they must make a dangerous crossing to the other side.
Making a Difference in Cucuta
In the past year alone, Samaritan’s Purse fed more than 430,000 people through the Hot Meals and Feeding Project. The food baskets given out in Cucuta and across eastern Columbia are saving lives. The vast majority of beneficiaries for this project were Venezuelan migrants, although Samaritan’s Purse happily provides support and resources to Columbians who also need relief.
Venezuelans Still Need Our Support
Consider donating to Samaritan’s Purse and the life-saving services they provide to those in need. Read more about the crisis in Venezuela in our Hope Center case study.